chidha hua example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. Also, irritated by conscription and burdensome taxes, the Genoese, in April 1814, welcomed as a liberator English Admiral Bentinck leaving them hope for restoration of the old Republic 2. His army, irritated by the provocations of those who said they were more loyal to the emperor, triggered the civil war and lost the first battle on the outskirts of Ky ? to 3. In the following century, when Genoa provides ships to Spain and seeks to obtain for its doges royal honors, Louis XIV, irritated by such insolence, bombed the city (1684) and demands an apology from the Doge himself 4. Only a serious illness back to the fact that Leonore however not marry: irritated by his dissolute life, the father of the poet denies him any help in finding a job 5. His first job did not satisfy me, but this time he was stung honor: If this is perfect sting of honor, a false honor of

Given are the examples of hindi word chidha hua usage in english sentences. The examples of chidha hua are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., pissed off, irritated, stung, disgusted, resentful, miffed, piqued, riled, nettled, roiled, peeved.

I didn't say anything, but I came over and sat on the edge of the table and watched them It irritated them more than anything I could have said.

At the end of the second day, a fly came and stung Golu on the shoulder.
The person often feels disgusted and ashamed when s/he binges and is relieved of tension and negative emotions after purging.
संबंधित शब्द चिढ़ा हुआ के पर्यायवाची चिढ़ा हुआ के विपरीत शब्द